Programs and Ensembles

Chorus Sanctus Laurentius (St. Lawrence Choir)

Deirdre Tyler Ceremony 403 websizeThis ensemble is an auditioned mixed (SATB) choir and serves as the primary group for sung liturgies at the parish. Some highlights of the choir include:

  • Fully auditioned chamber choir with professional section leaders
  • Sings all Sunday 10:30am Sung Masses and First Class Feasts throughout the year.
  • Repertoire includes Gregorian chant, traditional hymnody, and polyphonic works of the Medieval, Renaissance, Classical, and modern periods
  • A few of the composers whose music we sing: Palestrina, Victoria, Asola, Tallis, Byrd, and more!
  • The ensemble is musically intensive, constantly learning new repertoire and striving for always-improving musical excellence
  • Weekly Thursday evening rehearsals at 7:15pm are mandatory and singers are expected to commit to attendance (with usual exceptions for illness or travel, etc.)

Schola Sancti Gregorii (St. Gregory Schola)

Deirdre Tyler Ceremony 284 websizeThis is an auditioned men’s ensemble that works in conjunction with the Chorus Sanctus Laurentius and is responsible for singing all the Gregorian chant propers for Sunday 11am Sung Masses and First Class Feasts throughout the year. Men in the schola usually participate in the Saint Lawrence Choir with all the commitments that entails with an additional rehearsal on Thursdays at 6:30pm to prepare the chant propers specifically. Background in singing Gregorian chant is preferred, but skilled musicians will be able to join with assistance.

Schola Angelorum

The Schola Angelorum is Saint Lawrence’s open-membership volunteer mixed (SATB) choir which sings for specifically designated Masses throughout the year, including any weekday Sung Masses for feast days, various special functions such as Confirmations, other devotions such as Low Masses for our monthly St. Jude Devotion, and joins the Chorus Sanctus Laurentius for certain special occasions. The membership commitments are less rigorous and is a perfect fit for those wishing to offer their singing ability on a more flexible basis. New singers are always welcome into the Schola Angelorum! You do not need to know how to read music, nor have any prior experience. You must, however, be able to match pitch, carry a tune.

Coristae Mater Dei (Choristers)

038The Mater Dei Choristers is a children/youth choir that sings for three Masses each semester as a part of the parish’s Friday religious education curriculum. The youngest grades are taught fundamentals of singing and memorization of sung prayers. High school students prepare all Gregorian chant for the year’s sung Masses; boys who’s voices have changed form an Acolyte Schola while skilled treble voices can audition into a Cantor group which takes on more difficult music. All students learn the Mass ordinary (Kyrie, Gloria, etc.) as well as Marian Antiphons for each part of the year. 

Chant Camp

36 3B6A9624Each year during the SUmmer, Saint Lawrence hosts a Summer Camp for children ages 7–18. The week (M–F) consists of rehearsals, praying of the Divine Office, spiritual talks from our priests/seminarians, games at the park, and a sung Mass on Friday followed by a pizza party at the park. Registration opens in May for parishioners and in June for nonparishioners.

Festal Liturgies

59 3B6A0523Periodically throughout the year Saint Lawrence has festal liturgies which qualified volunteers can join along with
professional musicians to give glory to God with beautiful orchestral music from composers like Mozart, Haydn, and more. Orchestral Masses occur on both Christmas Day and Easter Sunday at 11am, as well as other select days as announced. Other major feast days may have major works such as Vittoria Requiem a6 for All Souls Day, and more. Skilled musicians are always welcome to join for the festal liturgies.

Join an Ensemble

If you are interested in auditioning for a choir or learning more about any of our programs, please contact Paul Thomas May, St. Lawrence’s Director of Music at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.