Notes About The Music

3rd Sunday of Advent

Processional hymn: Savior of the Nations Come, 798
Recessional hymn: On Jordan’s Bank, 800
Kyriale: Mass XVII, 762; Credo IV, 780 

Offertory: Ostende nobis Domine, Nicholas Lemme (b. 1978)
Hymn during communion: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel, Christoph Dalitz (b. 1993)

In 1935 Karl Ott published the Offertoriale, which is a book that provides verses for the offertory chants of Sundays and Feasts throughout the year which are not otherwise provided in schola chant scores. This Sunday, the offertory antiphon will be chanted and the verse is a new composition by Nicholas Lemme set for three part men’s voices. Lemme’s setting is anchored on two notes which are repeated often in the verse and droned as the original chant melody returns at the end. The text is from Psalm 84:8, “Show us Lord, your mercy and grant us Thy salvation.”

Nicholas Lemme (b. 1978) is a composer, singer, and professor of music based in Lincoln, NE. Mr. Lemme teaches sacred polyphony, and voice at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, FSSP, Denton, NE and holds the position of Choir Master at St. Francis of Assisi Oratory, Lincoln, NE.