Notes About The Music

1st Sunday of Lent

Processional hymn: Forty Days and Forty Nights, 829
Recessional hymn: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, 838
Kyriale: Mass XVII, 762; Credo VI, 788 

Chant after Offertory: Parce, Domine, Gregorian Chant
Marian Antiphon: Ave Regina Cœlorum, Solemn Chant

On Ash Wednesday, Joel 2:17 is sung in the second antiphon during the imposition of ashes. The translation is: Spare, O Lord, spare thy people; and give not thine inheritance to perdition. 

The simple chant sung today after the Offertory Antiphon uses the same verse as a refrain which is sung in alternatum with verses from a Lenten hymn attributed to St. Ambrose. The first verse of the hymn says: Let us appease His wrath, Beg for mercy from our Judge; Cry to Him in supplication, Let us all prostrate and say.  

A manuscript from the Tours sacramentary—which dates from the 9th Century—illustrates the long association of this verse of scripture being sung during the season of Lent and for penitential occasions.