
Each month, as part of our devotion to St. Jude on the third Wednesday, we offer Holy Mass at 6:30 pm for the prayer intentions shared with us. This month’s intentions include the following, which have been published in our weekly prayer intention email from April 19 to May 10:

Please pray for: LeeAni, Raymond, Mary, Glenn, Renee, John, Randall, David, Patrick, Christopher, Steve, Doug, and Dave.

Please also pray for: a parishioner who is struggling with several difficult relationships; a friend of a parishioner, who is in hospice with cancer; the mother of a parishioner, who is in the hospital after a serious accident; a parishioner, who is discerning between two job opportunities; the grandfather, and extended family of a parishioner; a parishioner who is struggling with depression and making a slow recovery from pneumonia and suffers from other health issues; the son of a parishioner, who is experiencing work-related difficulties; the brother of a parishioner, who is battling an alcohol addiction; a family of the parish searching for a per- manent home that will meet their needs; a parishioner who is in a difficult work situation; a couple going through the process of adopting a child.