
Academic Program Policies

General Policies and Procedures

  • Children are encouraged to arrive for the 7:10 am Mass and sit in their assigned place in St. Lawrence. (Assignments will be given on their first day of class.)
  • The day officially begins at 8:00 am. All children must have arrived and be in their assigned seating in St. Lawrence for Terce. Attendance will be taken.
  • After Terce, and accompanied by designated teaching assistants, children will proceed through the courtyard on St. Joseph’s side to their assigned homeroom for a quick breakfast that they bring from home.
  • Parents and younger siblings may gather in the social hall for the duration of classes.
  • Class begins promptly at 8:30 am.
  • Dismissal will take place at 12:20 pm. Students must check out and exit through the front of the church.
  • The Emergency Number for parents to reach their children during class is 717-889-4217.
  • If dropping off a child after the school day begins, do so at the front door of the parish center.


Academic Policy

  • It is imperative that students take seriously their obligation to complete all assignments for each class.  Assignments will be given every week either in class or via email.
  • Teachers should be notified in advance if a student will be absent. If your child is absent from class for any reason, please send a written note explaining the reason for the absence when he returns.
  • If your child/children have more than 3 unexcused absences or fails to make efforts to complete the required work, they will be removed from the program at the teacher’s discretion. This must be done to ensure that those students who are dedicated are not held back in their studies.
  • Please be punctual.


Discipline Policy

Saint Lawrence Program is an extension of the Catholic education that your children are receiving at home and the careful exercise of virtuous behavior is an expectation of all participants. If a student is in violation of these expectations the following procedure will be followed:

  1. Teacher or assistant directly responsible for the student will speak with student. A note will be sent home with an explanation of the behavior. The paper should be signed by the parent and returned. It is assumed that the parent will discuss the incident with the student to avoid repetition of the behavior.
  2. 2nd violation- teacher, assistant, or administrator will directly address parent by phone or in person, not by email or text.
  3. 3rd violation- meeting with teacher/assistant, parent, administrator (Father Smith or his representative) to identify concern and propose an action plan for the child.
  4. A violation of the resolution results in suspension from attending class for the following week.
  5. Students with repeated disciplinary actions will forfeit continued participation and be expelled.

Note: Serious violations may accelerate the disciplinary process of removal from the program.

Acts of violence or real threats of violence will not be tolerated. Any such act or threats will be dealt with seriously, and likely will involve a meeting between the DRE and/or Pastor and the student or the student and parents.

Church Etiquette

  • Holy silence should be always maintained in the church.
  • After Terce students should remain kneeling in their pew until directed to exit in an orderly fashion by their teacher.
  • If a student arrives after Terce, he/she should take a seat in a back pew until the service has ended.


Dress Guide

Clothing should be neat and modest. 

All Females: Standard uniform will be appropriate skirts and dresses that should be below the knee, no tight fitted clothing, or low necklines.

All Males: Standard uniform will be slacks (no jeans), polo or button-down shirts with collars and dress shoes.  Shirts should be tucked in, and belts worn. 

Gym: Tennis shoes, T-shirt, shorts, or loose-fitting sweatpants, (Skirt with leggings are also appropriate for girls.) Sweatpants and sweatshirt as needed. No tight fitting or sleeveless attire.


Student Rules of Conduct

  • Students must be in the church, class, the social hall where a volunteer supervisor is always present, or with a parent who is actively supervising the student.

  • Students will be expected to always show proper respect for adult authority. Instructors and staff should be addressed with Father, Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Miss along with the last name.

  • Students should not bring any items which may pose a distraction to the Catholic, nurturing, educational environment that is being provided.
  • Students are not to bring electronic equipment (iPods, laptops, cell phones, game boys, etc.).  Electronic devices should be left in the car or with a parent during class/choir hours.
  • Students are not to bring weapons including pocket knives, air-soft, paintball or other guns, etc.
  • Each person is responsible for cleaning up after himself in the classrooms and after snack.


Maintenance Policy 

Students need to show thoughtfulness and respect toward St. Lawrence parish by always taking care of the facilities. All families participate in a rotating schedule for maintenance of our facility including classrooms, library, social hall, and bathrooms. Students are paired with their peers to complete tasks in a timely fashion at the end of each class day. A semester schedule will be emailed.


Parking Policy

Payment is necessary for parking on the street after 8:00 am. It is helpful to use the ParkMobile app found here. Please include this expense in your planning for the year. Additionally, organized carpooling has proven effective in cutting down costs. Please email Mrs. Becky Fair at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in more information or wish to participate.


Safe Environment Policy

No child is to leave the facility without supervision.

It is necessary for all volunteers to complete the Diocesan Safe Environment Program which includes criminal records check and an online training program. To  find these requirements, please follow this link.


Parental Supervision Policy

You, as the parent of your child(ren) are responsible for their actions at all times, whether you are present while your child is in class or not. Students must always be supervised by safe environment certified adults. 

Our priests are not available to supervise at any time.


Illness Policy

The 'Golden Rule' applies here as much as anywhere else—if you would not want your child exposed to any of the symptoms that they have, others would not want their child exposed, either. Thank you for keeping your sick child home and keeping our priests and families as healthy as is possible.


Weather Policy

 We will follow Central Dauphin County School District for closings and delays. If CD is following the flexible instruction or snow day schedule, we will not have class. If there is a delay, we will follow the delayed schedule. Students will gather in the chapel and be directed to class from there.

Please check the website before traveling to St. Lawrence: