
The youth of the parish are invited to participate in the the Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest. 

There will be four age categories and cash prizes for the top three submissions in each age group for a total of $320.

AWARDSLakatos 14

  • 1st place: $50
  • 2nd place: $20
  • 3rd place: $10


  • 5–7
  • 8–10
  • 11–14
  • 15–18 (not yet a high school graduate)


  • Each poster should be the original work (including concept, layout, slogan and any visual images) of a single person.
  • Poster should be approximately 11x17 inches.
  • However, the Council will not disqualify based on poster size.
  • If pastels, chalk or charcoal are used, the poster must be laminated or covered with clear plastic.

JUDGING (posters will be judged using a 100-point system):

  • Slogan (how clear is the theme): 30 points
  • Visuals (how clearly the art conveys this message beautifully): 30 points
  • Overall impact (degree to which it induces one to reflect on the topic and captures the viewers attention): 40 points

Once judged, all artwork will be on display at 112 State Street and winners will be announced at the Parish Christmas party on Saturday, December 28.

Submissions must be turned in to the Parish Office no later than SUN DEC 22.

Click here to see last years posters.