The Parish's Friday Academic Program provides homeschool students in grades 1 through 12 an opportunity to learn subjects not easily provided at home:
- religious instruction taught by our priests, including Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation;
- Gregorian chant, in which the students of all ages learn the ancient music of the church and even sing the Divine Office and all of the music normally provided by the choir for several High Masses throughout the year;
- drama, in which students in grades 7 through 12 prepare for and perform plays;
- competitive sports, using the glorious facilities of the East Shore YMCA;
- and more.
Course descriptions for each grade are found here.
All policies and student guidelines are found here.
Parents' assistance is required in some capacity. Information about what roles are available and their descriptions are found here.
Cost for Parishioners
$100 for first child or $160 for a family. Registration opens on Friday August 4th.
Cost for Non-Parishioners
$200 for one child or $400 for a family. Registration opens on Friday August 11th.
Daily Schedule
The young adults of St. Lawrence invite young adults of other FSSP parishes to come to Harrisburg for our 4th Annual FSSP Regional Volleyball Tournament.
If you represent a team from another parish, register here:
If you are a St. Lawrence parishioner, and would like to join our team, register here:
All participants must pay a $15 fee:
New vestments and library materials arrived today, thanks to the many generous benefactors who have helped us raise the money for these two projects, both of which in different ways will allow us to offer more glory to God.
The new vestments will be used in the Pontifical High Mass on Sunday when Bishop Gainer comes to confer Confirmation on our class this year. The parish has been in great need for new vestments for some time, including a beautiful white set to be used at major feasts. Vestments for a Solemn High Mass include the chasuble for the priest, dalmatic for the deacon, tunicle for the subdeacon, as well as the humeral veil for the subdeacon to wear during the Offertory and Canon of the Mass.
Since a Pontifical High Mass at the Throne has more ministers, it requires the same vestments as a Solemn High Mass plus a cope for the assistant priest, two more dalmatics for the archdeacons of the throne, and another tunicle for the subdeacon of the cross.
Rather than buy all of these dedicated vestments, which would not be used very much, we were able to get a pattern very similar to that of another set owned privately by one of the priests, and used recently for Christmas and Easter. By combining the two sets, we are able to have a beautiful set suitable for a Solemn Pontifical Mass.
Due to the generosity of our parishioners, the parish exceeded the goal for these vestments, and we were able to order two more pieces to make the altar harmoniously match the vestments of the ministers: the altar frontal and tabernacle veil. We still need about $2,000 additional to complete this set. If you would like to contribute to that, we have added an option for “Liturgical Vestments” on our donations page here.
Since we are in need of other vestments still (the Low Mass red set is not a complete set, actually, but combined from two different sets), we will leave the “Liturgical Vestments” option on the donations page for those who would like to contribute to that fund. We will order vestments as the funds are provided.
Here are some of the vestments:
As for the library, it is fully funded, and Mr. Fred Shibler, a parishioner and carpenter, has been working off-site at his workshop. Most of that work has been completed, and today, he moved the cabinets and shelves into room 216 of the parish center at 112 State Street, where he will work for the next week or two to assemble and fit everything together.
Here is what it looks like:
Here are more photos:
2023 Chant Camp: Monday (July 10) to Friday (July 14)
Each year in July, St. Lawrence Church holds its annual week of Chant Camp for children and youth ages seven* to eighteen. Each day consists of Holy Mass, instruction from qualified musicians and seminarians, and recreation at a nearby park. All students are accepted regardless of prior experience and given assignments based on their age and musical ability. This year at the conclusion of camp, students will sing for a late morning High Mass on the Feast of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop & Doctor of the Church followed by a pizza party at the park.
Chant Camp Daily Schedule
For Parishioners
$55 for first child, then $15 for each additional child in family. Registration begins on Sunday, May 21.
$175 for first child, then $65 for each additional child in family. Registration begins on Sunday, June 4.
One parent/guardian's presence is required for a Camp Aide meeting on Sunday June 25 at 10:15am in the Parish Center at 112 State Street in the Aula Magna (3rd Floor).
Each month, as part of our devotion to St. Jude on the third Wednesday, we offer Holy Mass at 6:30 pm for the prayer intentions shared with us. This month’s intentions include the following, which have been published in our weekly prayer intention email from April 19 to May 10:
Please pray for: LeeAni, Raymond, Mary, Glenn, Renee, John, Randall, David, Patrick, Christopher, Steve, Doug, and Dave.
Please also pray for: a parishioner who is struggling with several difficult relationships; a friend of a parishioner, who is in hospice with cancer; the mother of a parishioner, who is in the hospital after a serious accident; a parishioner, who is discerning between two job opportunities; the grandfather, and extended family of a parishioner; a parishioner who is struggling with depression and making a slow recovery from pneumonia and suffers from other health issues; the son of a parishioner, who is experiencing work-related difficulties; the brother of a parishioner, who is battling an alcohol addiction; a family of the parish searching for a per- manent home that will meet their needs; a parishioner who is in a difficult work situation; a couple going through the process of adopting a child.